20 More Ideas to Kickstart Your UX Career — Mapping
Mapping is an essential skill for a UX Designer but if you are not involved in a research project at work it can be tough to begin building a portfolio with examples of mapping. So to fill the gap here are 20 ideas of processes for you to map.
If you aren’t sure where to start with mapping take a look at my other article 5 Tips for a Successful Mapping Project. It should give you a good starting point
1. Place an order at a restaurant
2. Unlock your apartment door
3. Accessing an unfamiliar apartment complex
4. Finding and Accessing a television program via a streaming service
5. Finding just the right curtains
6. Choosing between options on ecommerce
7. Scheduling a meeting with your boss
8. Uploading designs to an engineering team
9. Starting a Car
10. Selecting between paint options
11. Filling out paper work at an ER
12. Making coffee
13. Morning Routine
14. Finding a place of worship
15. How to contact a non-profit
16. How to sign up for volunteer work
17. How to send out a notification to all event attendees
18. Interviewing for a job
19. How to publish a post on a social media platform
20. How to generate ideas for a post on a social media platform